Happy Full Moon Brothers And Sisters!

Today the moon is full in Sagittarius. There are many names for this full moon: flower moon, corn planting moon and milk moon. It is commonly called the flower moon because this time of year the flowers are in full bloom.

The moon affects everyone and everything. It amazes me that our ancestors looked up at the same exact moon. Maybe they gazed at it with dreams of their future, thoughts of a loved one, prayers sent to the universe. The moon affects the tides and our emotions as well.

With all full moons, emotions may be running high, you may feel like your path is changing and you may feel unsure of what the future holds. Now is the time to have faith, the time to visualize what you want in your life and what steps to take in order to get there. it is a great time to center yourself, to look inward on thought patterns that may be holding you back, or emotions that no longer serve your great good. The key is to take time with yourself and listen to your hard truths. Self healing isn't always pretty, it's taking a look at who you really are and dealing with things head on. But don't worry! We are ever changing and can rebirth ourselves as many times as necessary to become the person we want to be.

During the time leading up to the full moon, I like to pay attention to my thoughts and my feelings. (Sometimes it is hard as an empath to determine which feelings are actually mine!) The night of the full moon I like to do a full moon ritual. I get my journal out. (Journaling is a great technique for healing and self awareness, no matter what you
believe in!) I take time to create a scared space (for me this includes lighting my palo santo, placing my crystals on my alter and lighting a few candles.) I also like to do a meditation and prayer before I begin. I write down everything I wish to release, example if I have had negative feelings towards someone, or if I have been noticing that I have been having negative thoughts toward myself. I also like to write down traits of the person I want to bemome. After I journal I will also do a short tarot spread (there are some great ones I have found in Instagram and online!) Once I conclude this ritual I like to soak in a salt bath. For the full moon i like to use Pink Himalayan salt with my Epsom Salt. We are not just detoxing our mind but our body as well! IIf you don't have a bath tub you can take a shower and visualize the negativity being washed away. When I bathe I might candle and place my crystals around the tub or in the water. (Caution! Be sure you know which crystals are safe for water so you don't ruin them!!) Speaking of crystals, the full moon is a great time to place your crystals outside to recharge (again I caution you to the elements, be sure you educate yourself on  what is safe for your crystals!) You can taylor the ritual however you like, perhaps you want to do your writing outside under the moon, or maybe you want to include yoga as well. Do whatever feels most comfortable to you!

Whatever you chose to do during the full moon, Renner to be easy on yourself, forgive yourself and rose who have caused you hirt. We are all in different paths and need to remember that not everyone is at the same point of the journey! I hope this was helpful and maybe have you done ideas for creating a full moon ritual of you own!

Feel free to share your rituals below or let me know what other topics you are interested in for future posts!

Have an amazing day today!

Yours in love and light!


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