Welcome brothers and sisters! Good Sunday to all! Since this is my first post I just wanted to give you a little introduction to my blog.

First a little about myself, I had my spiritual awakening a little over a year ago. From a young age I knew I was different. I was always a very sensitive child. When someone was sad, I was sad. It would hurt my heart. Songs on the radio would make me cry and I was always putting myself in other people's shoes. I didn't know at the time, but I am an empath. Being an empath has been both a blessing and a curse, that is until I understood what being an empath entailed and what I could do to help protect my energy and figure out if the feelings I was experiencing were mine or someone else's. The more empathetic I was the more introverted I became and being around people became harder and harder as I got older. I always had the urge to help people and in high school I began the journey into the medical field. I loved working with people but left the medical field after I became pregnant with my first child. I went on to have 4 more and home-schooled them until this past year. I still felt the need to help others but I wasn't sure how. For many years, I delt with feelings and battled depression and dug myself out of the darkness, that ultimately I had created for myself. My life experiences made me grouw up faster than most of the people around, but helped shape who I am now. It wasn't easy and I had to do a lot of soul searching. Which leads me to where I am today.

 I always had a fascination with occult studies, but as someone who was raised as a born again Christian, it was all taboo and considered evil. My soul continued crave more, I knew there was more out there and my soul kept being pulled to learn more. It started with crystals, oh the beautiful crystals! I wanted to learn more and the more the study the more interested I became in other topics, such as manifesting, moon phases, chakras, meditation, aromatherapy and tarot. This is where my blog comes into play. My goal is to share with you my knowledge of life and the tips and tricks I have learned along the way. I'm not everyone's cup of tea, and that is fine, but I invite you to come along on my journey to enlightenment and perhaps I can help you create magick in your own life! So come along and learn with me!

Don't forget to subscribe before you leave so you don't miss a post!

Yours in light and love,


  1. Yep, crystals have that affect on people! Best wishes on your journey!!!

    1. Indeed! Although my husband teases me and tells me I collect rocks! 😂 Thank you and thanks for stopping by!


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